Monday, April 16, 2012

Diego Forlan: The tale of two men

For all of Campbell's criticism of society's impact on our own self image, sometimes it can be beneficial. Such a case can be found within the life of Atletico Madrid's Diego Forlan. As usual I will pick which haircut is victorious and the reasons as to why, but in all honesty it's pretty self-explanatory.
I know I typicality show the losing haircut first, but I just wanted to show that Forlan typically has some of the best flow in all of La Liga. As a native of Uruguay it can be assumed that his blonde locks are more surprising in his homeland than the hair experimenting ground that is professional soccer. Plus you know he has to be a cool guy with the classic contemplative pose.
It goes without saying that this is the more disappointing version of Forlan's hair. Typically you'd only see a soccer player rocking such long braids in a high school women's game. However, this is what Forlan brought to the table when he played for Manchester United. Seeing as he only sported this look for one game, it's safe to say that the heavy scrutiny of society was for his own good this time. Perhaps the braids were one of the reasons Man U was ok with the prospect of parting ways with one of their most promising youngsters at the time.

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